Immigrant Heritage Month Week 3 (6.19.23)


“Immigrant Heritage Month is an opportunity for all people to explore their heritage and celebrate the shared diversity that forms the unique story of America. It’s also a chance to highlight the important role of immigration in the U.S. and recognize the many contributions immigrants have made to our country.”

We are a proud agency filled with diversity and want to highlight their efforts and journey!

Each week we will be featuring a different staff member from Prestige along with their #ImmigrantHeritage Story!



Q: What is your name and what City/Town and Country are you from?

A: My name is Helene Moudio. I am from Douala-Cameroon

Q: What were some of your daily activities and hobbies when you were living in your home country?

A: I left my family and my country when I was 20 years old. AS a student back home, my hobbies were defined as learning experience in my mother’s bakery. We enjoyed baking, cooking, and selling the baked goods, while my father played music in the background. I enjoyed spending quality time with my family, and I still miss it.

Q: Do you have any family traditions or home routines that you used to/do in your home country?

A: Oh boy! There are so many! But let me tell you about “the Ngondo” The Ngondo is an annual festival (throughout the month of November and ends with a week full of cultural events leading up to the first Sunday of December) For the Sawa people. The ceremony is held in the Wouri (river) in which a chosen or devotee enters the water to visit the underwater kingdom to bring back good news, blessings/luck for the year to come. Fun fact: the devotee could stay underwater for hours and resurface completely dry.

Q:  What are some of your favorite foods from your home country?

A:  Ndole is one of my favorites. I also enjoy grilled food (chicken, fish, shrimps….)

Q:  How old were you when you moved to the United States?

A: I was 22 years old when I move in this country.

Q: (If comfortable explaining) Briefly explain why you decided to move to the United States 😊

A: Moving to the U.S was not even my choice.  After my parents’ divorce, my mother and my sisters secretly packed my luggage to send me to Burkina Faso. 2 days before my travels I was told that I will not come back. Imagine my sorrow, my misery …the idea of not being able to be with my family and friends killed deep inside. When I arrived in Burkina Faso which I stayed for 11 months which made going to school begin to feel ok, comfortable. Abruptly, on a Sunday afternoon my aunt said to me “In a couple of weeks you will be moving to the United States for the rest of your life.” Rude awakening!!!

Q: What are some accomplishments you have achieved that you are proud of?

A: I pride myself on being a great daughter, an amazing sister, a trustworthy and loyal friend and above all a wonderful mother. Going back to complete my academic career was not the easiest. However, with dedication and perseverance, I am slowly reaching my goal. In the workplace, being able to share my talents with this amazing agency has been such a blessing, Prestige is continuing to teach me core values such as compassion, patience, accountability, leadership, and success. All this wouldn’t have been possible without the grace of my God Jesus Christ. 

Q: President Biden declared June as National Immigrant Heritage Month, Why do you think it is important that we celebrate immigrants and their stories?

A: This proclamation was long overdue, 404 years ago the first enslaved Africans reached Virginia and were never recognized for the perilous things they endured. Biden’s declaration was extremely late. The United States of America is a melting pot of different cultures. It is only kosher to celebrate the unique distinction and contribution of immigrants all over this great nation.

Thank You!


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